The Indonesian Association of Graphic Designers Standing for ‘Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia’ (The Indonesian Association of Graphic Designers), ADGI is the biggest association for Indonesian graphic designers. Being the very face of Indonesian graphic designers as a collective group, it needs a solid and professional-looking brand identity and we were approached to redesign the identity.
Due to the association’s nature for collaborating with many designers or studios each with their own style, versatility is paramount for the brand identity. Because of that, we designed a custom typeface which is versatile and ‘neutral’ enough. In addition, the typeface also looks modern to stay relevant the fast pace of graphic design’s industry nowadays. The typeface is used for the logo as well as the association’s default typeface.
Furthermore, we designed a systemized guidelines as well, being fully aware of how a big association like ADGI has many branches spread throughout this vast nation.
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*Image courtesy of Microsoft. All rights reserved