
Products / 2018

Frui! Sounds catchy, reminds some of ‘fruit’ and even the meaning relates to fruits. It′s from Latin language, which means ‘to enjoy’.

Frui is more than just selling fruits, it brings happiness to people. It does so by growing fresh fruits that are healthy as well as mouth-watering, ones that makes you smile when you eat them because they taste so good! And it′s this smile, that Frui makes possible, which inspired us for the logo design. The logo is easily applicable as stickers to numerous types of fruits, although it′s primarily focused on bananas.

  • Discipline Identity, Packaging
  • Photographer Ritter Willy Putra, Vony Wong
  • Art Director Eric Widjaja
  • Graphic Designer Bram Patria Yoshugi, Evan Wijaya
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