Nonna Bona

Food & Beverages / 2022

Nothing tastes better than a meal made at home from the hands of our own family. Nonna Bona, a modern-authentic Italian steakhouse in South Jakarta, knows this all too well. The hearty dishes made from one’s own passed-down recipe recall that feeling of dining with our loved ones. This tradition is what keeps the dinner table at home alive, which is what Nonna Bona wants to preserve.

Preserving tradition in Nonna Bona’s way means taking traditions upscale, where the age of the good old days is eternalized for the days ahead. A nod to the Italian flag, bright red becomes wine burgundy, and vivid green becomes olive.

  • Discipline Identity, Environment
  • Creative Director Eric Widjaja
  • Art Director Ritter Willy Putra
  • Graphic Designer Leonardo Laurensius
  • Illustrator Ira Carella, Wanda Almira
  • Copywriter Sasqia Pristia
  • Account Executive Regitta Jasmine, Steven Cristian
  • Artwork Photographer Prayogo Yoedo
  • Portfolio Photographer Vony Wong
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