Saka Museum

Arts & Culture / 2023

Bali stands out as a captivating anomaly within Indonesia, being a predominantly Hindu island amidst a country with the largest Muslim population. The island comes alive during Nyepi, the "Day of Silence," which commemorates the Saka New Year and showcases the vibrant Hindu culture. The Saka Museum is dedicated to unraveling the story of Nyepi through a diverse range of exhibits that delve into the rituals and profound significance of this important day of reflection. Located in AYANA Bali, the museum aims to enlighten visitors about Bali's unique cultural heritage. The name "Saka" is a reference to the Saka calendar, which marks Nyepi, while 坂 (saka) signifies slope, reflecting the museum's architectural design.

  • Discipline Identity, Environment
  • Creative Director Eric Widjaja
  • Art Director Ritter Willy Putra
  • Graphic Designer Leonardo Laurensius
  • Environment Graphic Designer Caroline Marta, Tasya Darmawan
  • Account Executive Audrey Dea
  • Photographer Liandro Siringoringo, Alfian Laurens
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