Sculpting The Giant

Movie / 2022

A documentary produced by Seeds Motion, "Sculpting the Giant" tells the story of Balinese sculptor Nyoman Nuarta and his journey to realize his dream of building one of the largest statues on Earth, Garuda Wisnu Kencana. The visual approach portrays the film's various perspectives and emotions, blending the majestic with themes of perseverance and romance. The language of shadows hints at the sculptor’s obsession and vision, as well as the dark roads he traversed throughout his 28-year journey to turn his giant imagination into reality.

  • Discipline Identity, Type Design
  • Creative Director Eric Widjaja
  • Art Director Ritter Willy Putra
  • Graphic Designer Clifford Caleb Dione
  • Illustrator Clifford Caleb Dione, Miko Awangyudha
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